Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




AST Fundacja na Rzecz Zwierząt Niechcianych

Hi, it's me, Joint! The best thing that happened to me this year was a failed sale to Germany. The AST Foundation pulled me out of not-so-nice conditions and took me under its wing. To tell you honestly, it's a bit difficult for me to talk about myself, because life's issues are not easy. No one has taught me anything in my two years of life... I am overwhelmed by my emotions and I can't cope in the world very well, but I sincerely hope that with solid behavioral work and an experienced caregiver, I will be able to become more successful! Will you keep your fingers crossed for me? I also really hope that Santa Claus doesn't miss troubled dogs... It would be nice to get something for Christmas.

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